Tags, Blogs et Vidéos populaires sur coaching parental

Le Coaching Parental n'est pas mort !

En 2005, j'ai co-écrit un livre intitulé "Le Coaching Parental" aux éditions Médicis ... "Coaching Parental" et j'ai subi l'effet de mode sur le terme coaching de plein fouet ! Avec des émissions de télévision, qui dénature le sujet. En effet lorsque l'on parle de coaching parental à [suite...]

Date: 2008-06-03 08:09:02

Articles de blogs (20) | Vidéos (135)

Du coaching pour les parents d'élèves désemparés

Le Figaro - France : Du coaching pour les parents d'élèves désemparésJe trouve assez triste que la communication entre parents et professeurs en soit arrivée là ! Pas fait pour redorer la blason du coaching non plus : les trucs et les mallettes miracles c'est du commerce...pas du coaching ! :-( [suite...]

Date: 2008-11-10 12:34:00

Le site NO LIMIT COACHING fait peau neuve

Mon site professionnel http://www.nolimit-coaching.fr fait peau neuve ! Non ! Je n'ai pas changé le look du site, mais seulement le contenu. Alors quoi de neuf ? L'orientation de l'entreprise tout d'abord : "Formation au coaching pour ... lancé dans l'aventure de co-écrire un livre sur le coaching parental, j'avais un objectif que je n'ai [suite...]

Date: 2008-06-02 07:52:49

I'm out of town and my husband calls to let me know he's aggravated. Why? The forty-two soccer games he has to go over the next week with #3 ... and self-confidence. Any team sport teaches him about team play, the responsibility of being on a team ... intervention is a problem. Parents should leave coaching to the coach...we always have and always [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-22 20:21:28

Coaching pour parents, ou comment subventionner la submersion ethnique avec vos impôts

Après l’accompagnement éducatif pour les élèves, place à l’accompagnement éducatif des parents. 400 parents de l’académie de Créteil (77-93-94) vont être aidés et soutenus pour suivre de près [suite...]

Date: 2008-11-16 23:47:06

Coaching Boy's Lacrosse: A Baffled Parentªs Guide by Gregory P. Murrell,

"A masterful, in-depth job."--Bill Tierney, head men's lacrosse coach, Princeton University "The A to Z coaching manual for all youth levels of lacrosse. It covers areas like parental ... from the centerline. Don't despair--"Coaching Boys' Lacrosse is here to help. From your first team meeting [suite...]

Date: 2008-04-03 12:32:18

What Are They Thinking?

I’d like to take a minute to post a quick little quiz about children’s sporting events – and the parents that attend them ... in the way of coaching expertise, then I would suggest that they join the other coaches and give ... , for that matter. I’ll personally make sure they receive the sign-up sheet for next year’s coaching [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-29 14:49:12

Cedaredge, CO confirms wrestling will continue

“We are going to have wrestling in Cedaredge, so please celebrate,” superintendent Mike McMillan told a group of parents attending the Sept. 18 school board meeting. Although a coaching contract has been offered to Roy Brown, a teacher ... to warrant continuation of the sport at CHS. “I’d like you guys to sign a commitment form,” he told [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-25 17:27:11

330. Female Fortitude — 171 through 185

Jump to Comments These ‘fortitudinals’ provide theme or summary of previous posts. The numbers match the source. 171 ... parenting depends upon nurturing, leading, and coaching in three phases respectively. 179.       Women [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-27 00:02:33

Le Guide des Cours

Cours-LR est un guide des cours qui vous conseille dans le choix de cours : particuliers ou collectifs, à domicile, par correspondance, par Internet, le coaching. Cours-LR vous permet également de faire partager vos expériences avec des élèves, des parents et des professeurs [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-15 00:26:14

Combien de casquettes sur votre seule tête?

Super_casquette Parent, époux, chef d'entreprise, trésorier du club sportif, fils, ami, collègue, voisin, musicien.. ... / vie professionnelle. Exercice de coaching. Commencez par identifier et lister les différentes [suite...]

Date: 2008-03-27 21:59:13

Time Out Training

For years parents have been putting children in a temporary state of punishment (imobility), many times referring to it as a “time out”.  It is my personal belief that this is poor parenting, not to mention a poor understanding of what a time-out really is. If we stick to the sports parallels, there are two very distinct coaching [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-29 21:13:39

Autism Treatments: Parent-Child Interaction Therapy.

Study provides evidence of the effectiveness of the Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for children with Autism. A review of: Solomon, M., Ono, M ... . This intervention was first proposed by Eyberg et al in 1995 and consists of a manualized parent coaching ... . The intervention consists of live coaching sessions, during which parents interact with their [suite...]

Date: 2008-04-14 13:18:43

Do you have "Fire Insurance?" -- aka Why Employees Get Fired

A article I came across entitled ”Top 10 Reasons Employees Get Fired” written by Patty Inglish, an accomplished writer who lives in Ohio, that provides a good reminder of what employers expect in today’s workforce. If you like this, I’d suggest dropping her a line, or visit her article which also appears on HubPages Dishonesty, evasion, [suite...]

Date: 2008-04-12 14:59:03

Sports Parenting: How to Win, Even if the Team Loses

Why do 35 million U.S. children participate in organized youth sports each year? ... and executive director of Positive Coaching Alliance. Thompson emphasizes that to ensure boys [suite...]

Date: 2008-09-23 10:23:31


Date: 2008-05-30 20:30:01

Why do I need a Consultant?

Why do I need a Consultant? August 22nd, 2008 By J ... , an Anger Management Course, so as to placate the other side and to convey to the Court [suite...]

Date: 2008-08-22 20:08:38

Expert Parenting Tips

All parents come up with questions and more questions about raising kids ... and behaviors, your influence will lessen and you will become parental wallpaper. By simply calming down [suite...]

Date: 2008-05-02 11:00:11

The parents role in Judo

The parents role in Judo June 20th, 2008 Outside the Class: Your role as a parent of a child learning Judo is a varied one. The involvement of one or more parents can be very beneficial to your child, although it can also be detrimental if the involvement is the wrong type [suite...]

Date: 2008-06-20 17:26:17

skating clothing site

We play everything easier those periods skating clothing approaching ... Education/Coaching Policy Organization/Administration Contact Athlete Forms Resources [suite...]

Date: 2008-04-03 14:42:05

20 Résultats